Day 12: eyes
I’m a few days behind on posts because we traveled up to Vermont for a ski weekend and didn’t have a chance to edit photos & post. But I did actually (mostly) keep up with the Joy of Love prompts. Saturday’s theme was Eyes, so there was no need to get too creative. I got […]
Day 11: dreams
I’ve already posted several pictures of Dorsey sleeping for the Joy of Love, so I wanted to interpret today’s theme of dreams a bit more loosely. It was also a beautiful, sunny day that was just a tad less nippy than earlier this week, so I took advantage of the opportunity to photograph Dorsey outdoors. […]
Day 10: space
Today was the sunniest day we’ve had in a long while, though it was still bitterly cold. I didn’t want to take yet another photo of Dorsey sleeping for the Joy of Love, even though that does comprise a significant portion of his days. But when Dorsey settled himself into his favorite Space on our […]
Day 9: passions and hobbies
For some reason, I had a lot of trouble with this day of the Joy of Love—passions and hobbies (which is why it’s back-dated a couple days). What is Dorsey truly passionate about, other than food, sleep, & meeting people? None of those seemed like very interesting photographs for this particular theme. I even had […]