My Partner in Crime
I’m currently working on writing a follow-up to one of my recent non-fiction books. I had the original book on our bed so I could reference it, and Dorsey Dog decided to do a little light reading. (I swear I didn’t set this pose up—he was just sitting like this and I had to grab […]

This Little Piggy…
I made the unfortunate decision ages ago to purchase a Canon SLR camera just about a year or two before digital cameras exploded and made film cameras all but obsolete. So I’ve been a little behind in my photography technology, using everything in my bag of tricks to get by with a point and shoot. […]

Farm to Table: Collards & Yellow Potatoes
Tonight I raced home from Spells to cook dinner before our touring Broadway show, Mary Poppins. I quickly cleaned and split the yellow potatoes of indeterminate variety before tossing them with some olive oil, sliced red onions, kosher salt, pepper, and rosemary. I roasted them in our convection toaster oven at 425° for 40 minutes, […]